CASE STUDY: A $10-15bn Hedge Fund Manager Adopted DiligenceVault For Faster And Easier Fundraising

A $10-15bn Hedge Fund Manager Adopted DiligenceVault For Faster And Easier Fundraising

CASE STUDY: A $10-15bn Hedge Fund Manager Adopted DiligenceVault For Faster And Easier Fundraising

Before adopting DiligenceVault, one of our $10-15bn Hedge Fund Manager clients managed a 40+ page DDQ based on the AIMA template. With rising investor DDQs and reporting requests, they required an efficient method to update their responses with current, compliance-approved answers. Managing this using their existing Word DDQs was difficult due to version control issues and inconsistent updates. These challenges prompted them to seek a dedicated tool to bring structure and efficiency to updating their Firm and Product DDQ

Utilizing DiligenceVault has allowed the team to centralize their Firm DDQ collaboration, enhance response accuracy with pre-approved information, and shorten DDQ/RFP response times. Therefore, pushing them towards a faster and easier fundraising process.

To know the details around the challenges that DiligenceVault solved for this firm, along with the benefits that came with adopting the DV platform – Download the full case study below.


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