Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire

The ESG due diligence questionnaire is designed to support GPs in their consideration of Environmental, Social, and Governance factors during the investment process.

Invest Europe ESG DDQ
DIGITAL DILIGENCEInvestor Europe DDQ Digital Experience
  • DiligenceVault has digitized and hosts the Invest Europe DDQ enabling easy use by both private equity GPs doing diligence on portfolio companies.
  • General Partners: With DiligenceVault’s ability to customize the Invest Europe DDQ, GPs can easily build their framework and analytics on the digital foundation.
  • Portfolio Companies: Portfolio companies leverage the Invest Europe DDQ to build their digital content library.
JOIN THE DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMExplore Data & Analytics Benefits
  • For more information visit Invest Europe website
  • Explore DiligenceVault’s offering for data collection from Portfolio Companies on ESG topics
View ESG Diligence Use Case

Make the collection, organization and reporting of key ESG and DEI metrics from your portfolio companies faster and easier


Leverage digitized PortCo questionnaire or custmomize it