Investing in Asia – Due Diligence Best Practices

DiligenceVault - Investing In Asia (Takeaways and Webinar Replay)

Investing in Asia – Due Diligence Best Practices

Our webinar on Investing in Asia – Due Diligence Best Practices, with panelists from BEA Union Investment, Endue Capital and Mercer Wealth, saw a detailed and insightful discussion around the immense opportunity and potential that Asia as a market holds. We bring you the webinar recording and takeaways that highlight:

  • Asia investing – a historical perspective
  • The dynamism and heterogeneity in Asia
  • Single country drivers – the China stimulus, India potential, S. Korea and Taiwan’s tech potential, South East Asia’s upside
  • Top risks and concerns of investing in Asia
  • Operational due diligence in Asia

To read the detailed takeaways and watch the webinar replay, download below.


To access the full webinar and key takeaways, fill the form below.

Date: October 3, 2024    Time: 5 PM HKT

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