Posted by | March 12, 2024
Selecting A Management Company (ManCo) – A Guide for Asset Managers

Explore the blog outlining a checklist designed for asset managers aiming to choose a Management Company (ManCo) for EU/EEA product distribution in Ireland or Luxembourg.

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Top Priorities for ManCos in 2024 - DiligenceVault
Posted by | March 12, 2024
Top Priorities for Management Companies (ManCos) in 2024

Learn about Management Companies (ManCos) and explore the key focuses for third-party ManCos in 2024 in our blog.

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Manco Delegate Oversight
Posted by | December 1, 2020
How does digital diligence help ManCos meet regulator’s expectations on delegate oversight?

ManCos have a responsibility to identify and assess all risks from their investment management delegation. How does digital diligence help ManCos meet regulator’s expectations on delegate oversight?

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